Sunday, September 25, 2011

Support the global revolution!

 I really wish I was in NY right now. So I'm doing my patriotic duty to spread the word about this. Basically, people are camping out at Zucotti park near Wall Street. Everybody needs to know about this, especially people who live in New York because there's like 10 million or so people that live there. I'm sure not a whole lot of people know what's going on because the media's silence on this is deafening. I bet you might not have even known that 1,000 environmental activists got arrested in front of the White house.

This is the link:

ll Street, UPS Store 118A #205, NY, NY 10038. As far as I know, this is how you can send supplies to our freedom fighters. Don't send cash or checks. Money orders are fine. If I get a chance to go, I'll bring a lot of stuff with me.

For the betterment of the world and the heralding in of a new society. More updates soon. Solidarity strikes everywhere in your respective hometowns: Organize them. Tell people to join you in them. Spread the word.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Audacity of Protect IP and the possible digital police state

The internet is the last bastion of freedom we have in the world. Any attempt to tame or censor it should not be allowed. The Protect IP act is just one of the many police state nazi laws that are in the workings of getting passed. It's just recently made it to the senate floor.

"Protect IP" actually stands for "Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property" (COICA  stands for "Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act"). Protect IP is a revision of COICA.

You know what sucks? Do you really think these corporate whores on capitol hill really know dick about technology? No. Let's say you wanted to go ti PirateBay for example, not to download anything, but read the comments and find out more information on a product. Well, PirateBay is at risk of being shutdown every day with all of these laws that are trying to get passed by people who utterly FAIL at critical thinking. For instance, what if you were a victim of a botnet that downloaded copyright material onto your computer, and then you got reported for it? You could probably end up in jail for a crime that you didn't commit.

Google hasn't made the best descisions in the past (They've actually stopped their censorship in China, but at one point were ok with it.) but on this issue I've got to give them a lot of credit for their strong stance against Protect IP.

Sometimes it can be hard to imagine that in the "land of the free" we have people elected to congress that are VERY much against the values and ideals of this country. Joe Lieberman for example:

“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too.”
Hey Joe! If you like China so much, WHY DON'T YOU GO LIVE THERE!

                                                It suits him quite well.

For more internet freedom activism:

Why the DMCA must be stopped
Anti-Digital Rights Management (They recently sent Nintendo a bunch of bricks to protest Nintendo's use of DRM in the Nintendo 3DS.)
Completely FREE software. Open Source, Free, Free to make copies, Free to modify.

And when the internet police state happens... You can join Anonymous and Fight Back!

Peace out. I'll try to update this more often.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This is a very exciting time

Across Northern Africa, and the Middle East there are revolutions brewing everywhere. Here's a map...

It's really a wonderful thing that is happening around the world. People are finally getting tired of living under the boot for so long. These are the types of things that keep the Washington planners of world domination awake at night. What started in Tunisia is now spreading to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia would be the biggest loss for the western powers because we stand a chance at losing control of their oil supply. Iraq is also facing an uprising of people pissed off at the government because they can't provide the people with anything it seems. So now the US domination of Iraq just got a little bit more difficult.

Even though the US is stretched paper thin abroad with all our military involvements, we want to go even further by instituting a "no fly zone" over Libya. Libya is a fairly large country, so this endeavor would be quite difficult.

The greatest hope would be for these rebellions to be a true repudiation of all the US backed dictators we've supported over the years. We can only hope that Northern Africa and the Middle East becomes another power block like the countries in Central and South America where it will become much harder for the US to interfere in other countries' business. If the middle east moves towards a democracy then they will become much harder to topple.

Of course, it is likely that everything won't go well. If we start to experience $5 a gallon oil because of the revolutions, then the dumb and ignorant will blame Obama because of their lack of understanding of history and geopolitical knowledge in general. The only thing he can (and should) be faulted for is for continuing the brutal double standard of selective human rights enforcement. During the Egyptian revolution he tried to seem like he supported Mubarak (to please the Saudis) and the protesters (to appease the rest of the world that values human rights). It failed pretty miserably. What is for certain is that our president hasn't learned the lesson of taking the middle side of the road and getting hit by traffic going both ways.

Let's hope those Washington planners keep losing sleep.
